

Choreographer: Jill Crovisier Dancers: Stacey Aung, Ardian Hartono, Amy Josh, Marie Hanna Klemm, Scott Jennings, Isaiah Wilson Sound creation/ composition: Tiago Benzinho, Jill Crovisier Music: La Paloma-Sebastian Iradier, Function-Psychic Warfare, Fado do Ciume-Amalia Rodrigues, Music for Ballet Class 1-Aly Tejas Lighting design: Nico Tremblay Costumes: Jill Crovisier Production manager: Karin Kremer Production: JC movement production Co-production Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg; TROIS C-L Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois With the support of: Fonds culturel national (FOCUNA); Maison du Portugal – André De Gouveia Cité Universitaire de Paris; Art Factory International Bologna; Compagnie La Baraka – Abou & Nawal Lagraa; Théâtre des Cordeliers – Annonay Rhône Agglo (FR), Fondation Indépendance BIL

Description: Opposing the motion of an object due to molecules rubbing surface, the physical energy of friction which is a resistive force that slows down motion, pushes the dancer to create extra energy to overcome it. FRICTION is a galvanizing contemporary ballet piece about a woman experiencing the notion of friction on a physical but also personal level. Choreography: Jill Crovisier Dancer: Viktoria Tvardovskaya Music: Tiago Benzinho, Jill Crovisier Production: JC movement production 2020

Sometimes, you just need to make something pretty.

In a town of predominantly white citizens, three girls are set apart. In the halls of their high school and on the streets of their village few people look like them. They are three of Skaneateles’ handful of non-white residents. One of these girls is bi-racial, one is of Korean origin and one is of full Indian ancestry. There are only eleven other non-white students who attend their about 600-student high school. This multimedia piece features the three girls’ experiences in their town, school and with their peers. It asks the question: “What is the experience of being the only person like you that you know?" Music by Tiago Benzinho (www.TiagoBenzinho.com). Used by permission.

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